About Our School
Public Notices
Advisory Committee
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Advisory Committee
As part of our schoolwide plan to engage educational partners, the LCAP Advisory Committee will review, advise, and give feedback on the LCAP to ensure each student succeeds. Specifically, the committee has the responsibility to review the current LCAP and make recommendations on how to improve the LCAP for the next year, evaluating whether the LCAP meets the requirement to increase or improve services for unduplicated students (low-income, English learners and foster youth) and students with disabilities. Each year, before the governing board considers adopting the LCAP or the LCAP Midyear Update, the committee reviews and provides comments on the proposed LCAP.
If you are interested in becoming a member, complete the survey.
- Agendas
- Minutes
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
D/ELAC Meeting Agendas
The ELAC is a school-level committee comprised of parents, staff, and community members designated to advise school officials on English learner programs and services. Since our schools are single-school districts, the committee DELAC also advises on district-level requirements.
Grant Expenditure Plans
- A-G Completion Improvement Grant [PDF]
- Art, Music, and Instructional Materials Grant [PDF]
- Arts and Music in Schools Funding Prop 28
- Educator Effectiveness Block Grant [PDF]
Migrant Education Program
Page is undergoing updates