Online Tutoring That Feels In-Person

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All iQ Academy California–Los Angeles (iQLA) students can access high-quality, personalized online tutoring services. Learn about support options below.

Whether students need regular homework help, want constructive feedback on a paper, or are looking for practice exams, California State Libraries’ HelpNow program is a great resource! All students have access to:

  • 24/7 on-demand tutoring in all core subjects
  • Writing Lab feedback and support throughout the writing process
  • SkillSurfer lessons, videos, practice tests, and study tools

View details and log-in instructions here.

Students who need additional support will be recommended for the iQBoost Program. They will work directly with Student Support Specialists who have access to the Online School (OLS) and can collaborate directly with students’ teachers to help target areas for improvement.

Students may be referred to the program to receive support in the following ways: 

iQ Boost Sessions 

Students in grades K–8 performing below grade level in math and/or language arts as measured by the STAR360 baseline assessment will work on specific skills and standards taken from the assessment results. Using the Freckle curriculum that aligns with STAR360, students aim to improve standards mastery and show growth. Student Support Specialists run these one-to-one or small group sessions, helping students focus on foundational skills. 

Math Intervention Push-In Services 

This program provides targeted support to students within their regular classroom setting. Instead of pulling students out of the classroom for extra help, our Student Support Specialists join the virtual classroom to work alongside the teacher and students. This approach aims to assist struggling students without disrupting their learning environment or singling them out. 

Reading Intervention Sessions 

iQLA’s reading intervention program provides small group phonics instruction to improve decoding skills for struggling readers in grades K–3.  Students are enrolled based on phonics assessments. Student Support Specialists use the Lalilo curriculum to guide small-group instruction.